A hobby horse phrase. Certified Educator In Tristram Shandy a hobby-horse is a persons passion.
A figure of a horse attached at the waist of a performer in a morris dance pantomime etc.

What is a hobby horse. Another reason behind its popularity is the community. The hobby horse is an odd creation with a horse-like head beady eyes crooked hobnail teeth and a giant hunchback. For example if a politician pushed for years to build a new airport or sports stadium the press might say it was his personal hobby horse.
It soon came to refer to the horse costume worn by one participating in a morris dance or. Talk about my favourite subject. It means your strong interest or obsession.
It is the favourite pastime version of the name what we now call simply a hobby that was adopted as a figurative expression meaning a fixation. Competitions have been seen repeatedly on mainstream media outlets and social media platforms even earning coverage from networks and programs on ESPN and ABC and in publications like The Wall Street Journal. The native first placing a calabash beneath the nose as it were of his curious-looking log-steed for the purpose of receiving the grated fragments as they fall mounts astride of it as if it were a hobby-horse and twirling the inside of his hemispheres of cocoanut around the sharp teeth of the mother-of-pearl shell the pure white meat falls in snowy showers into the receptacle provided.
What does a hobby horse expression mean. A subject that somebody feels strongly about and likes to talk about. Jaytkay 25790 Great Answer 1 Flag as For me riding the hobby horse means really riding the.
A toy horse that via various mechanics stimulate the riding of a horse through rocking. Children would place the stick between their legs and ride the horse around. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. What is Hobby Horse. The first machine to integrate the three main elements of the bicycle balance steering and propulsion was invented and patented in 1817 in Mannheim Germany by Karl von Drais.
In the 1400s the word hobby could refer to a real-life horse of small or average size. This was the Laufmaschine English. So a hobby is really a hobby-horse.
The hobbyhorse is a toy of yesteryear dating back to a homespun era predating automobiles. In the very short chapter 24 of book 1 Tristram focuses on a persons hobby horse as a key to his soul. These toys can still be found today.
A pet idea or project. Competitive hobby horsing originates in Finland and has more than 10000 active participants. Talk about my favourite subject.
A thing one keeps coming back to that is similar to having a bee in ones bonnet. Hobby-horsers are known to be very supportive of each other even in tournaments. Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.
Hobby horsing allows enthusiasts to act out their fantasies of owning riding and competing with their own horse minus the high expenses. Sorry Im starting to get on my hobby horse. And minus cleaning up piles of dung.
The machine had two wheels in line and therefore demanded effort from the rider to balance it. Its a sport for the few the rich. A stick with a horses head or a rocking horse ridden by children.
Definition of a hobby horse in the Idioms Dictionary. It has a reputation for being menacing and terrifying often clearing a room of small children upon entry. The history of rocking horses can be traced back to the Middle Ages when a popular childrens toy was the hobby horse a fake horses head attached to a long stick.